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Events & Workshops

Summer DIY Workshops

I'm so excited to off some DIY workshops this summer! These could be great gifts for friends and/or family, fun girls' outings, or just some time for you to learn something new! More workshops will be offered as interest increases.


June 3, 2017 @10:00am - Mommy and Me Workshop

Location: 5010 Central Ave Pike

                  Knoxville, TN 37912


Moms - $10

Kids-  $5


RSVP to Tiffany Kelly by May 27, 2017


Call/Text: 865-323-5148



***Payment due when you arrive***

Mommy and Me Workshop - For this workshop I'm inviting moms of all ages along with their kids. This project  will be easy to do, easy to customize, and easy to enjoy!


Project Description: A framed burlap canvas decorated with odds and ends to match any room in your house or business. 


What you need to bring:

***Consider the Lilies will be providing materials that will make it easy to customize every burlap canvas. However, some may find that they want to bring items from home to make their canvas even more customized.***

1. (Optional) hot glue gun

2. (Optional) sentimental scraps of material 

3. (Optional) sentimental buttons 

4. (Optional) Any snack or drink items your party would like to enjoy while crafting.


June 27, 2017 @ 6:30pm - DIY Summer Lovin' Wreath

Location: 5010 Central Ave. Pike

                  Knoxville, TN 37912


Cost: $30

RSVP to Tiffany Kelly by June 20, 2017


Call/Text 865-323-5148



***Payment due when you arrive***


Project Description: A gold ring wreath sporting colorful flowers for the summer season. 


What you need to bring:

***Consider the Lilies will provide all materials, unless there is something specific a customer is wanting on their wreath.***

1. (Optional) Any snacks or drink items your party would like to enjoy while crafting.





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